Fawzy Al-Aiedy has been living in France for thirty years and has always endeavoured to disseminate the art of his country, Iraq, with its rich civilization and culture that spans many centuries; through his music he has forged a link between Eastern and Western cultures. He is primarily interested in multicultural music, i.e. all music that unites people, reflects creativity, conveys emotion, and moves the listener. In his performances, the Iraqi bard modernizes his melodic lines and the rhythms in collaboration with excellent traditional eastern instrumentalists and the world music scene. With his intrinsic musical and human qualities, Fawzy aims to transport his listeners to innovative musical worlds, where rigour and the aesthetics of music play important roles, leaving plenty of room for the sensual, emotional, poetic, and festive aspects of the new compositions, but without losing sight of the authenticity of an inspiration rooted in the traditional culture of Iraq and the Middle East. Radio Baghdad evokes a passionate and suave Orient at the crossroads of Eastern and Western influences.
Available album: Radio Baghdad