Ensemble El-Moukhadrami is a group composed by famous Mauritanian griots such as Bouh Ould Jiddou, Dah Ould Abba, Ahmed Ould Nghdeil, Fatma Mint Seyid and Tekeiber Mint El Meidah. They have an important pedagogical mission and perpetuate the traditional music of the iggawen. They talk about what should be condemned by singing about the purely aesthetic pleasures of artistic activities and by expressing its corrupting influence. In a way, the griots’ songs have the moral responsibility to show irresponsibilities and to blame them.
The particularity of the ensemble El-Mukhadrami lies in the fact that all its artists have developed a solo career and do not stay focus on the traditional repertoire. For example, Tekeiber Mint Leidah composes songs about AIDS, inequalities …
Available album: Songs of griots